passing lane

美 [ˈpæsɪŋ leɪn]英 [ˈpæsɪŋ leɪn]
  • 网络超车道;传球路线;超车车道
passing lanepassing lane
  1. I usually pass all of the slower cars by staying in the passing lane .


  2. When there 's a slow-moving car in the passing lane , though , I tailgate it until the driver moves over to another lane .


  3. Passing lane stopping sight distance outside of median divider in freeway


  4. If / when a defender denies or disrupts the passing lane , back cut to the basket or screen away .


  5. When stopping sight distance can 't meet the specification 's needs in passing lane outside the median divider in expressway , some measures are put forward for reference of expressway design .


  6. On the basis of the properties of motorcar running on passing lane , the sight point position and lateral clear distance of curve in passing lane outside the median divider in expressway are analyzed .


  7. Application of " thought-inspiring " method on the tactic cooperation in college basketball selective course ; If / when a defender denies or disrupts the passing lane , back cut to the basket or screen away .


  8. The analysis focuses on the influence of deceleration probability and lane-changing rate . It is shown that managing vehicles on the passing lane , has not changed the systematic traffic flow characteristic , but is helpful to increase the safe driving .
